A house of consultants, managers, researchers, trainers & system analysts

Specializations of Associates

SSIL is a private company that utilizes inputs from a highly competent and qualified team of 40 core professionals and over 18000 enrostered experts from around 150 different nationalities and various specializations falling under the following broad categories. Please click any of the following items of the list to view the respective list of experts including brief profiles:

  • PHC, MCH & FP Program Expert
  • Health & Population Expert
  • Nutrition Expert
  • NGO Specialist
  • Poverty Alleviation Program Expert
  • Child Labour, Child Rights & Other Children Issue Expert
  • Primary Education Expert
  • Non-Formal Education Expert
  • Survey and Statistical Expert
  • Vocational & Technical Education Expert
  • Development Program Manager
  • Micro-finance Program Expert
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
  • Gender Specialist
  • Environmental Expert
  • Project/Program Designer
  • Strategic Planner
  • Legal Expert
  • Financial Analyst
  • HRD Institutional Expert & Trainer
  • Governance Expert
  • Development Economist
  • Sociologist
  • Social Anthropologist
  • Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Expert
  • Contract Management Expert
  • Business Development Services Expert
  • SME Expert
  • Civil Engineers, etc.