Project Overall
SSIL has been growing from strength to strength by gaining new momentums every succeeding year. Within a short span of last fifteen years, SSIL has completed more than three hundred projects and studies. SSIL has gathered substantial experiences in implementation of projects around 28 years, and has established a significant reputation for winning contracts financed, among others, by the WB, ADB, JICA, EU, GIZ, KfW, USAID, DFID, CIDA, SDC, SIDA, DANIDA and NORAD, etc. It has also worked with many public-sector clients in different countries.
The ongoing & completed projects and studies are of the following nature:
- Major Multimillion Dollars’ TAs Projects, New Intervention Piloting, etc.
- Strategy and Policy Formulation
- Sector Analyses
- Impact Analysis
- Large Grant and Sub-grant Management
- Needs Assessment
- Project Designing
- Feasibility Study
- Project Formulation Study
- Baseline, End-line and other Surveys
- Poverty Mapping
- Vulnerability Assessment
- Quantitative and Qualitative Survey
- Management Development Assessment (MDA)
- Monitoring & Evaluation System Designing
- Program/ Project Evaluation
- Rapid Assessment
- Management & Legal Audit
- Pre-funding Appraisal
- Management Support
The above activities broadly fall within the following functional specialty:
- Agricultural productivity & technologies
- Livestock and Fisheries Development
- Food Security, Food Safety
- Climate change and management
- SME and Micro-enterprise development
- Corporate Governance
- Labour Welfare
- Labour Policy
- Social Safety Nets
- Rural and Urban Community Health Care Services
- Social Marketing
- Maternal and Child Health
- Family Planning
- Sexual & Reproductive Health Including STD, HIV/AIDS, etc.
- Child Labour Elimination
- Vocational and Non-formal Education
- Child Rights
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education
- Micro Credit
- Poverty Alleviation
- Human Development
- Women Development
- Human Rights and Democracy Promotion
- Governance
- Social Forestation & Environmental Protection
- Organizational Development, etc.