A house of consultants, managers, researchers, trainers & system analysts

Areas of Interest

Functional Areas of Interest

Community Development: NGOs and government initiated rural or urban community-based development programs or any other human development & poverty alleviation initiatives with focuses on the following: 

  • Micro credit
  • Micro-enterprise development
  • SME
  • Circular Economy
  • Community based and climate resilient agriculture
  • Empowerment (of women and the poorest)
  • Refugees and depressed group advancements
  • Environmental protection
  • Income generation
  • Gender equity promotion
  • Social-forestation
  • Human rights promotion
  • Sustainable human development and
  • Training and orientation.

Health and Family Planning: Community based and other innovative population control program, community health, maternal and child health (MCH), HIV/AIDS prevention, primary health care, health care management and financing, nutrition promotion, urban health and sanitation, etc. with especial focus on the following:

  • Health Sector Development
  • Hospital and Clinic Facilities
  • Primary Health Care
  • Health and Population
  • Nutrition.

NGO Management: Management of grants and sub-grant to NGOs. Policy formulation and institutional development, organizational development assessment, sub-contractual monitoring, management development assessment, donor liaison, fund rising, evaluation, documentation, technical assistance in short and long-term planning, project development, project implementation, information management, etc. with especial focus on NGO facilitation.

Human Resources Management: Human resource planning, employee relations, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, wage and salary administration.

Environmental Management: Environmental audit and impact assessment, environmental planning and poverty alleviation, protection of bio-diversity, social forestation and community participation, water resources management, industrial pollution control and monitoring, etc. with especial focus on the following:

  • Environment/Ecology
  • Marine/Coastal Ecology
  • Farming Systems
  • Soils/Land Use
  • Forestry
  • Agriculture/Natural Resource development
  • Crop Production & Diversification
  • Irrigation
  • Water Resource Development
  • Water supply and sanitation
  • Pollution
  • Environmental Protection
  • Sustainable Housing
  • Blue Economy
  • Green Economy

Human Resources Development: Design and implementation of HRD unit, development of instructional material, training needs assessment, training of the trainers (TOT), development of educational and training programs, international training and scholarship program, customized technical & management training in industry and government, etc. with especial focus on the following:

  • Human Resource Development
  • Labour/Manpower Procurement
  • Management Training
  • Human rights and Law.

Project Design and Management: Project identification and evaluation, project implementation and monitoring, project management, feasibility studies, impact studies, management contracts for new or existing projects, etc. with especial focus on the following:

  • Project Implementation, management and other supports.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of projects.
  • Economic and financial analysis of projects for sustainability.

Education: Undertaking various studies on primary and non-formal education, management of educational institutions, curriculum development and evaluation, basic and secondary education systems' analysis and evaluation, development and management of educational programs, design production planning of educational materials, etc. with especial focus on the following:

  • Primary Education
  • Non-formal Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Technical and Vocational Education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Further Education
  • Schools Sector

Institutional Development and Training: Developing institutional capability to promote and undertake development planning and implementation of development programs, personnel management, management development assessment, organizational efficiency and effectiveness analysis, development of performance indicators for project monitoring, program impact evaluation, etc. with especial focus on the following:

  • Social Sector Development
  • Public Sector Development
  • Agriculture/rural development
  • Urban Development and Planning
  • Industrialization
  • Information Technology
  • New and Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Power generation
  • Systems Design/Development
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation system
All of these components can also be entailed and introduced through some packages of training activities as follows:
  • Training Programmes
  • Development of Training Materials
  • Skills Training
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Training of Trainers

Among the abovementioned services, SSIL is primarily interested in the activities that are modeled and aimed towards achieving the national, sub-national, and local level goals of, among others, the followings:

  • Poverty alleviation
  • Livelihood development
  • Community development
  • Rural poverty reduction
  • Environmental protection
  • Adaptation package development
  • Ensuring gender equality
  • Strengthening local governance
  • Maximize social capital
  • Ensure food security
  • Establish social safety net
  • Credit accessibility
  • Job creation
  • Employment generation
  • Equity development
  • SME
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • Human development
  • Sector development
  • Better health
  • Population control
  • Human rights protection
  • Child protection
  • Women empowerment

Unlike most of the consultants’ houses, SSIL and its associates, having specialized technical acumen, remarkably combine the practical experiences of reviewing institutional and organizational set-up and internal management effectiveness providing remedial measures for capacity building, viz.

  • Policy formulation
  • Resource reallocation
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Organizational and institutional development
  • MIS design and implementation
  • Database Management
  • Poverty assessment and mapping
  • Develop livelihood profile
  • Vulnerability assessment
  • Risk Assessment
  • Develop environment and social safeguard framework
  • Rural sociological studies to combat poverty and ignorance
  • Conduct Impact Evaluation study
  • Environment and social impact assessment
  • Program design and implementation
  • Analyze gender, social capital, and local governance
  • Monitor climate change, its effects, and develop adaptation packages
  • Disaster management
  • Preparation of Contract and Bidding documents
  • Develop research methodology, participatory methodology, and sampling design, and conduct quantitative and qualitative baseline / endline and Statistical survey / study
  • External/External Communications
  • International Relations