SL |
Main Focus & Project Title |
Country |
201. |
Main Focus: Bangladesh: Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Supporting Implementation of HPNSDP: A Preparatory Survey on Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Improvement Project in Bangladesh |
202. |
Main Focus: Yemen: Reproductive Health and Population Evaluation of the EU support to Yemen: Reproductive Health and Population Programme phase 2 |
203. |
Main Focus: Bangladesh: Protecting Children from violence Protecting Children from violence: A comprehensive evaluation of UNICEF's strategies and programme performance in Bangladesh. |
204. |
Main Focus: Vietnam: Health Sector Capacity Support Project Final Evaluation of EU-Vietnam Health Sector Capacity Support Project (HSCSP). |
205. |
Main Focus: Bangladesh: Supporting Implementation of the Climate Change Strategy Supporting Implementation of the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (Subproject-2). |
206. |
Main Focus: Philippines: Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health, Nutrition Services Mid-term Evaluation of Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health And Nutrition Services For Indigenous Peoples and Other Disadvantaged Communities in Mindanao |
207. |
Main Focus: Myanmar: Governance, Peace Process Support to the Formulation of two new EU-funded Programmes on support of the Governance and the Peace Process in Myanmar |
208. |
Main Focus: Ethiopia: Mid Term Review Of Phase I of Civil Society Fund II (CSF II) Mid Term Review Of Phase I of Civil Society Fund II (CSF II) |
209. |
Main Focus: Kenya: Evaluation of the 10th EDF, Accountable Governance Final Evaluation of the 10th EDF Bridging Divides through Accountable Governance (BDAG) |
210. |
Main Focus: Pakistan: Final Evaluation of Local Governance Rehabilitation Local Governance Rehabilitation - Final Evaluation |
211. |
Main Focus: Bangladesh: Civil Society Mapping Civil Society Mapping and Recommendations for EU Future Engagements. |
212. |
Main Focus: Yemen: Reproductive Health services Evaluation of the EU support to Reproductive Health services in Taiz, Lahij, Al Hudaydah, and accompanying measures in view of its continuation. |
213. |
Main Focus: Rwanda: Mapping of CSOs and Project Identification Mapping of the civil society and Project Identification of a Support Program to the civil society in Rwanda |
214. |
Main Focus: South Asia: Survey of personnel costs-Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka Survey of personnel costs in grant, contribution agreements and delegation agreements: Studies and technical assistance in all sectors |
South Asia
215. |
Main Focus: Bangladesh: Fiduciary Risk, Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Fiduciary Risk Assessments (FRA) and Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Consultancy |
216. |
Main Focus: Bangladesh: Political Economy Analysis A Country-wide Political Economy Analysis for Bangladesh: Governance and Home Affairs. |
217. |
Main Focus: Pakistan: M & E of Education Sector Reform Programme Monitoring of Education Sector Reform Programme in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan |
218. |
Main Focus: Ghana: Governance, Electoral Process, Institutional Capacity Mid term Evaluation of the project “Support to the independent Governance Institutions involved in the electoral process” |
219. |
Main Focus: Indonesia: Humanitarian Aid, Disaster Risk Reduction Evaluation of the European Commission's Humanitarian and Disaster Risk Reduction Activities (DIPECHO) in Indonesia” |
220. |
Main Focus: Bangladesh: National Health, Nutrition, Population, SWP Completion/ex-post Evaluation of decision ASIE/2005/017-585- EC - Support to the national Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Programme |